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Monday, September 5, 2011

I have been warned to expect a visit

I've been a bad girl, and we know what happens to bad girls! Of course many go on to marry a millionaire or end up becoming a Duchess, but in my case the result will be rather more uncomfortable. In the course of being a contributor to the MarQe's Study website, Marqe and I exchange a number of emails. Now my sense of naughty fun is well known, but it does get me into trouble. In my emails there have been some teasing remarks, especially about Marqe's love of football, and the club he follows with some fervour. Certain of my wittycisms have been absolute corkers, giving your favourite girl a real laugh as they winged their way across cyberspace.  Marqe has decided it is high time that I was taught to have more respect for the 'beautiful game' and those who follow it. I have been told what to expect during his next visit, sometime this month.

Always being a gentleman, MarQe will mercifully start with a warm up, via a sound OTK spanking. But then I can expect him to go into punishment mode. it will be knickers down as MarQe gets serious, by way of what he promises will be 'an extended strapping'. From previous experience, he certainly has a singular talent for applying hard leather to every
inch of yours truly's bare backside. The 'entended' part means I can expect a very red and burning bottom.

Ready for the cane

Then the punishment will pause for me to serve tea for MarQe.  While he sits and drinks his cuppa, I will be sent to prepare for the next level of my chastisement. As he has directed, the caning stool will placed in front of the mirror, as I will be made to watch my punishment. Taking up the position across the stool, I am to ponder what is to come. Oh my golly, dear readers, you know about me and canes. Just the mention of them gets me going, so the minutes spent bent over the stool, contemplating the inevitable, will send my anxieties skywards. I can imagine straining to hear the final clink of cup on saucer, and the sound of MarQe rising from his chair and entering the room, cane in hand. Just imagine that smooth, soft bottom in the picture, receiving the 24 full strokes of the cane I have been warned to expect.